Namanya Pipi'
Assalamu Alaikum
Shy (?) and withdrawn.
Don't have a lot of patience forinadequacy. People that don't learn from their mistakes.
Enjoy freedom and don't like to be overwhelmed or crowded (but sometimes tend to crowd people hahah)
Tend to be intrusive.
Tend to keep to herself and generally like to work behind the scenes. She may be expressing rebellion.
Tend to be lazy and show lack of determination.
Tend to avoid confrotation.
Tend live in the past and have a hard time letting go of things.
May be restricting herself, which could lead to feelings of tension.
Sometimes tend to be swayed by the emotions of others.
Overly self-critical.
Very private limited to sharing her personal feelings. Very private, hard to read or understand.
Sensitive and sometimes show an empathy to people but also have lack of vitality.
Ini barusan narsis hahah. Walau terkadang masih aneh sama foto manyun-manyun, ternyata ada juga foto ku yang begitu hahah.Ini tampilan di Google+ fotonya pas masih awal-awal semester. Masih muda ja' nah. Masih semester 4. |
You know her?
Kamu mengenal Pipi'? Yang kamu tahu tentang Pipi' apa?
Ayu bilang Pipi' harus berubah saja banyak yang harus diubah. Dari hal tentang dirinya sendiri sampai semua hal yang berkaitan dengan orang lain. Walau sebenarnya, masih bingung apa yang harus diubah. Sikap buruk? Tentu saja. Hakimi saja dia.
Fitrah Amalina
Sedang memiliki banyak ide untuk diwujudkan.
Habis ikut penelitian online.
Teman yang sempat berkunjung ke sini pernah bilang "Pipi' pintar nulis ya." Ah, tidak. Saya tidak pintar nulis.
Saya cuma suka nulis.
Suka sekali.
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